Heckman Consulting Cheat Sheets
Heckman Consulting prepares “cheat sheets” for various programs it installs and trains users on for its clients.
These are not designed to replace a full manual. Rather, they are designed to respond to the query “he mentioned that in class, now
how do I do that?” Printed on vividly colored papers (harder to misplace), they are folded sheets of paper so they can be easily stored near a computer monitor (instead of under the desk, underneath the extra pair of shoes, like many manuals).
We hope you find them useful. Any comments are appreciated. Click on the listing to bring up a PDF version of the cheat sheet.
Worldox GX4 Cheat Sheet (October 15)
How To Use and Create Categories
Worldox Frequently Asked Questions (GX4) (updated 9/17)
Cheat Sheet (May 13)
Installing and Configuring Worldox