- Going Paperless?
- Does a "Paperless Office" Make Sense for You?
- Start From What You Want to Accomplish
- Can You See It After Scanning?
- Organize, Organize, Organize
- Best of Breed - OR - "Good Enuf"
- (1) Document Management
- Document Mangement (continued)
- Web Access
- (2) Practice Management
- Electronic Billing
- Cost
- Hard Money ROI
- Leading Products
- Scanning
- Why PDF (Portable Document Format)?
- Scanning Options
- Scanning Software
- Associated Issues
- Hardware
- Backup
- USB Drives
- E-mail & Faxing
- Document Assembly
- Acrobat - Which Version?
- Acrobat: Edit | Preferences
- Acrobat - Preferences
- Acrobat - Preferences
- Do I Need a Consultant?
- Heckman Consulting
Comments or Questions?
Home page
Information: An approach to reducing the amount of paper floating about your office through getting organized, scnning and adoption of Document/Practice Management programs.
Last updated: June 18, 2006 (Sunday)
