Going Paperless? Automation and Paper Reduction Strategies

Start Here


  1. Going Paperless?

  2. Does a "Paperless Office" Make Sense for You?

  3. Start From What You Want to Accomplish

  4. Can You See It After Scanning?

  5. Organize, Organize, Organize

  6. Best of Breed - OR - "Good Enuf"

  7. (1) Document Management

  8. Document Mangement (continued)

  9. Web Access

  10. (2) Practice Management

  11. Electronic Billing

  12. Cost

  13. Hard Money ROI

  14. Leading Products

  15. Scanning

  16. Why PDF (Portable Document Format)?

  17. Scanning Options

  18. Scanning Software

  19. Associated Issues

  20. Hardware

  21. Backup

  22. USB Drives

  23. E-mail & Faxing

  24. Document Assembly

  25. Acrobat - Which Version?

  26. Acrobat: Edit | Preferences

  27. Acrobat - Preferences

  28. Acrobat - Preferences

  29. Do I Need a Consultant?

  30. Heckman Consulting

Comments or Questions?

Home page

An approach to reducing the amount of paper floating about your office through getting organized, scnning and adoption of Document/Practice Management programs.

Last updated:
June 18, 2006 (Sunday)

Created with Presentations