Consulting - Partial Client List
Our clients range in size from solo practitioners to AmLaw 100 firms.
In addition to general practice firms, our clients specialize in the
areas of Elderlaw, Estate Planning, Family Law, Municipal Law,
Insurance Defense, Personal Injury and Real Estate.
Cain, Hibbard & Myers PC, Pittsfield, MA (www.cainhibbard.com)
City of Vista Legal Department (ci.vista.ca.us)
Martin LLP, Stamford, CT (www.martinllp.net)
Law Offices of Peter C. Merani, New
York, NY (www.meranilaw.com)
The Law Offices of Fred V. Peet, South Burlington, VT (www.peetlaw.com)
Regnante, Sterio & Osborne LLP, Wakefield, MA (www.regnante.com)
Servilla Whitney, Iselin, NJ (www.dsiplaw.com)
Siegel, Reilly & Kaufman, Stamford, CT (www.srkfamlaw.com)
Terris, Pravlik & Millian, LLP, Washington DC (www.tpmlaw.com)
Waller, Smith & Palmer PC, New London, CT (www.wallersmithpalmer.com)
WLC | The Williams Law Corporation, Irvine, CA (www.wlc-legal.com)