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No.33 Winter 2007
Do You Really Want to Upgrade?
No.31 Spring 2006
Implementing Document Management
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Heckman Consulting Supported Software

Note:  While we work with quite a few software packages Worldox is currently the core of our business.

Worldox. Worldox is the leading document management system for small and mid-size firms. Document Management software will automatically Worldox systems integratororganize your documents by criteria you define so that you will never again "lose" another document. Worldox can manage numerous document types, including spreadsheet programs and PDF files. Using profiles that are fully indexed, it also dramatically reduces the amount of time it takes to finds documents and allows for queries of the type "find me all briefs containing certain terms that were done in the last six months." Worldox Web also provides for Internet access to your documents. The program is extremely easy to administer: as one client said to me "so with Worldox 'Administrator' is not really a synonym for programmer." John Heckman is a consultant and reseller for Worldox. Click here for Worldox Cheat Sheets. For more information see www.worldox.com.

Symphony Suite from TrumpetInc. (www.symphonysuite.com) The Symphony suite Symphony Suiteworks directly with Worldox. It has two major functions: first, it OCR's all your scanned documents, saving a major amount of time since the OCR process is the most time-consuming aspect of scanning. It can also OCR your document backlogs and TIF files (mainly from faxes and litigation support programs) as well.  Secondly it allows users to make "reservations," then group the documents and scan them in batches. The documents can be scanned by file room personnel, saving the more valuable time of paralegals and attorneys. A 3-minute video gives a pretty clear explanation. Click here to watch.

Legal Anywhere. (www.legalanywhere.com) Legal Anywhere provides extensive
and sophisticated Extranet features suitable not only for basic document sharing but functionality for deal rooms, litigation repositories and similar shared workspaces. Legal Anywhere provides very granular security andcalendaring features.
Legal Anywhere
Worldox now integrates with Legal Anywhere (as do other document management systems). Aside from more advanced features Legal Anywhere provides, the main functionality that concerns Worldox users is the ability to easily copy documents from Worldox to specified client/matter directories in the Extranet system, as well as to define what clients and users can access the documents. Legal Anywhere uses a directory structure not a Worldox-type profile group. Granular rights can be assigned to specific users and even to specific documents (e.g., read only, copy, print, edit). Legal Anywhere can scrub metadata from documents copied to the Extranet and prevent them from being copied or printed, if desired.
provides extranet capability 

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