Heckman Consulting -
Heckman frequent speaks at Seminars and other legal gatherings.
He has given presentations recently at the following:
Paperless? Document Management: Automation & Paper Reduction
Strategies. NJ Institute for Continuing Legal Education, July
2006. Strategies to tame the paper beast and make your office more
efficient. Click here to start the
0 to 60 in... (Minimum Technology that Every Successful Attorney
Must Have). CLE Seminar given at Pace University, October 2005.
Details how to approach setting up / expanding an office; what your
criteria should be and what software you might want to consider.
Click here to start the presentation.
Making the Case for Case Management: The Economics of Getting
organized. Panel at NY LegalTech 2005. Session on January 31,
3:30-4:45 PM. Overall assessment of startup costs (both hard
and soft) as well as time savings and generation of additional
income by capturing more time for the same amount of work.
Click here to start the
To Be Wireless or Not to Be:
Wireless Security. Panel at NY LegalTech 2005. Session of
February 2, 1:30-3:00. Wireless is the hot thing, but how secure is
it really? Think of an unprotected wireless network as talking
in the elevator or giving out your credit card number in a loud
voice on a cell phone in a crowded commuter train.
Click here to start the
Disaster Recovery. Seminar given for the Connecticut Bar
Association, March 7, 2002. This slide show presents an introduction
to basic concepts and requirements of any disaster recovery plan. It
will enable you to get started with your disaster recovery planning.
Click here to start the