A good deal of useful information
emerged from the Legal Tech Internet/Intranet Seminar held in New
York September 25-26. Panelists did, however, tend to circle
cautiously around some of the central tradeoffs posed by the
exponential growth of the Internet. Many of these boil down to
"ease of use" vs. "x".
Ease of Use vs. Security
The Internet is an open system.
Unless messages are specifically encrypted, they pass through the
Internet as ascii files, available to hackers and would-be
thieves (corporate espionage is not to be taken lightly). At
present, none of the installed base of the major e-mail systems,
GroupWise, MS Exchange or cc:Mail, have built-in support for
encryption. Support for encryption should become widely available
in 2-4 years, but if you want to encrypt a mail message or
attachment today, you must do it manually using programs such as
"Pretty Good Privacy" or RSA encryption. While this can
be practical for limited amounts of mail to a small number of
clients, it is not practical on a large scale.
Charles R. Merrill, Esq., a
partner at McCarter & English, and nationally known authority
on legal aspects of electronic security, argued strongly for
encryption. Some day, he said, a court will hold someone legally
responsible for failure to adequately secure e-mail, possibly in
a malpractice suit. Steven Fogarty, Chief Messaging Architect of
Salt Lake City-based teltrust.com, noted that there are two other
options for providing secure communication. Large companies have
been building their own Intranets (closed and secure systems
within a company that to the end user look, feel and act like the
larger Internet) and Extranets (Internet-like systems available
to a company's clients where security is provided by dedicated
access, passwords, etc.). While secure, Extranets carry a high
overhead cost for hardware, software and maintenance. Some
messaging vendor are also beginning to offer Virtual Private
Networks, in which a company and its clients all connect securely
via dial-up, frame relay, etc., to a vendor, who maintains the
Ease of Use vs. Full Access
A number of firms reported that
they are porting brief banks, boilerplate documents and other
research applications to an Intranet, but are putting only a
subset of documents available within their traditional document
management system on the Intranet. So an attorney who relies on
this "easy to use" subset could miss important data. In
the name of "ease of use," a number of the companies
exhibiting at the seminar were providing solutions to avoid
accessing the Internet directly: Internet content is downloaded
to the computer and all content is pre-packaged and accessed
off-line by a proprietary "browser."
Internet access to traditional
document management systems such as SoftSolutions or PC DOCS
poses a problem, however. I asked the round-up panel how they
predicted Internet applications would interact with and/or
replace traditional document management. This was, they replied,
the question "we are all struggling with." Many
document management systems are building Internet front ends, but
do not offer full functionality via the Internet. I-Manage, by
NetRight Technologies, is one of the few companies to offer a
fairly complete Internet front end today.
Freedom vs. the Bottom Line
Much has been made of the
"democratization" and "freedom" afforded by
the Internet. However, it also entails a number of costs. The
first is financial: in addition to the not insignificant cost of
providing reasonable infrastructure and bandwidth for Internet
access, studies have shown that employees with full Internet
access "surf away" over 9 hours a week. Many large
corporations have policies that restrict Internet access to
business use only, but such policies are difficult and burdensome
to enforce.
Companies may also be held
legally liable for material deemed offensive that was downloaded
by employees. This issue is frequently dealt with by using
blocking software to "block out" x-rated or otherwise
offensive or even all "non-business-related" sites.
Historically, most employees have
come to consider personal phone conversations and now personal
e-mail a "right." The day is rapidly approaching when
"surfing the net" gains similar status. There will be a
constant and increasing tension between arguments concerning
"democratization" provided by Internet access and a
firm's overall profit. As one partner at a major law firm replied
when asked about the "free coffee" available on various
floors of the firm, "every cup of that 'free coffee' comes
out of my pocket and don't you forget it!"
The Place and Future of the
Most participants felt that the
continued expansion of the Internet was ineluctable. Internet
systems offer a number of major advantages in terms of
communicating and transmitting information both within a company
and to clients. As the Internet sites listed below bear witness,
a lot can be done at the present time. In the future, firms that
do not take advantage of functionality provided by the Internet
will simply not be able to keep up with client requirements.
Judicious use of the Internet, including a web site, can provide
a technological "edge" that might constitute the
difference between a client selecting your firm to represent it
or not.
7 Legal Suite
Since Corel bought WordPerfect
just over a year and a half ago, it has made valiant efforts to
stem the flow of the Microsoft marketing machine. Part of this
effort has been to support and develop platforms Microsoft has
abandoned. Thus Corel recently brought out WP 6.2 for DOS as part
of a DOS-based office suite. More significantly, the Corel
WordPerfect Legal Suite was released in August. This includes a
version of WordPerfect 7.0 for Windows 3.1 which not only mimics
the Windows 95 version, but includes additional functionality. In
particular, the ability to do automatic paragraph numbering
within a single paragraph, present in WP 5.1 but lacking in all
versions since then, has been restored. A drop-down pick list
allows users to choose their most commonly used graphic symbols
(©, , etc.). Integrated features from Nexal give the user a much
improved address book as well as the ability to block and save up
to 26 "instant macros."
Heckman Consulting is proud to
have worked closely with Corel to assist in determining the
suite's feature set, which includes products commonly used by law
firms: CompareRite, Full Authority, HotDocs, Black's Law
Dictionary and Amicus Attorney.
These products are generally
fully integrated: the user launches CompareRite from the
WordPerfect button bar, for example. The only exception is that
Amicus Attorney maintains a separate address book, although
additions to it can be automatically stored in the Corel Address
Book when they are entered in Amicus. A Nexal addition allows
users to save files in a client/matter directory structure, thus
mimicking larger document management systems such as
The Corel WordPerfect Legal Suite
provides almost all the functionality a small law office needs
and can inexpensively be upgraded for network use. The product
also ships with demo versions of popular time and billing
programs such as Time Matters, TimeSlips, and PCLaw.
A former colleague likes to say
that Bill Gates is the primary purveyor of "software that
almost works." But help is on the way in the form of a new
series of books: "Windows Annoyances." "Word 97
Annoyances" has already been published and "Office 97
Annoyances," is due out next month. The books are written by
Woody Leonhard, Lee Hudspeth and T.J. Lee, and offer specific
tips on how to make Microsoft programs work the way you want them
to and how to overcome some of the inconsistencies in the various
programs within Office 97. Check your local bookstore or
the Heckman Consulting Newsletter
Heckman Consulting
is a systems integration firm specializing in the legal market.
John Heckman has over 15 years experience in the legal community.
This newsletter is published periodically as a service to our
clients and others in the legal community. It will contain items
we have found to be of interest.
Heckman Consulting at: |
3 Fenwick
Place, Norwalk, CT 06855 Tel: (203) 831-0442, Fax: (203)
227-4354 |
e-mail: jheckman@kalmon.com |