How Secure is "Secure"?
With the release of Service Pack 2 for Windows XP, the topic of
computer security has been much in the news lately. What does
"computer security" really amount to? How secure is "secure?" Most
importantly, what is realistic for a small to medium-size firm? The
first thing to understand is that with the constant release of new
technologies (and new techniques for hackers to break them),
"security" is both relative and a moving target. The first step in
evaluating security issues is to start with certain basic
The bottom line about security is that the more secure you want
to make a system, the harder and more inconvenient it will be to use
(and the more money it will cost). This is true in virtually all
areas, from turning on a PC to flying on an airplane. In addition,
"increased" security can be self-defeating: witness a firm that
decided to enforce difficult-to-guess passwords (both numbers and
letters and nothing that would be a "word"). Virtually all users
attached their passwords to their monitors with a yellow stickie, so
the net result was less security, not more. Similarly, increased
airport "security" has resulted in an increase in baggage theft.
When making decisions about security, a firm must decide what its
comfort level is. If your "comfort level" means no security, at
least that decision should be made consciously with some awareness
of the risks involved.
What Are the Risks?
When approaching the question of security, people’s reactions
range from "What Me Worry?" to a computer version of agoraphobia:
refusal to use the Internet because it is too "risky" (so is
crossing the street). Without a realistic assessment of the risks
involved it is impossible to work out a strategy for minimizing them
that you are comfortable with. This is complicated by the fact that
an event with a very small risk could have catastrophic results
(total loss of data).
Fundamentally, there are two types of risks: random and targeted.
You could be run over by a car just crossing the street or because
somebody is trying to kill you. Random risks are by far more common
and tend to fall into the following categories:
Spam. This can be more than just an annoyance. Many
spammers take over your PC and use it to re-broadcast spam messages,
which can cause your Internet Provider (ISP) to claim you are a
spammer and discontinue your service. Some clients have spent up to
two weeks getting their e-mail accounts re-enabled when this
Spy-Ware. Many "free" Internet programs install secret
"spy-ware" programs to monitor your PC and send your preferences
back to the maker of the program to use for further marketing. In
addition to invading your privacy (they claim that by clicking OK to
install the "free" program, you agreed to this process), these
programs can seriously slow down your PC, cause crashes, and
generally interfere with its functioning. Both Dell and Microsoft
have recently estimated that over half the tech support calls they
receive concerning computer crashes can be traced to spy-ware
related issues. There are a number of anti-spy-ware programs that
identify and eliminate such programs. One of the better ones is Pest
Patrol (www. - which also has a corporate version for
networks). A sub-set of these programs generate the ubiquitous
pop-up ads. Programs such as Ad-aware or browsers such as Mozilla/
Firefox can help eliminate these pop-ups. If you want to use a
program that has both "free" and paid versions, it is almost always
worth getting the paid version to avoid spyware/adware problems.
With any of these programs, you will have to take some time to
configure it initially.
Phishing. This used to be known as "social engineering."
You receive an email purporting to come from a major bank, credit
card company, on-line auction house or even Microsoft. It "warns"
you that your account is about to be cancelled unless you go to a
web site "re-register." The web site "looks" like a real one, but
actually steals your credit card, bank information, etc. Wells Fargo
and Citibank have recently been victims of these attacks. Banks,
credit card companies and Microsoft never use email for this
sort of notification. These emails are always fraudulent and
should be deleted without opening them.
Worms and Viruses. You have heard it a thousand times, but
you should always run an up-to-date anti-virus program. "Trial"
versions that come with new PCs are not up to date. The
yearly subscription for anti-virus programs should be considered
"insurance," akin to your car or house insurance. In addition to
potential damage to your PC, variants of these programs can turn it
into a "zombie" used in attacks on various web sites or other
institutions. A recent article noted that one ISP had identified a
system that was using 10,000 remote "zombies" to attack web sites.
You could have been among the 10,000 without even being aware of it!
War Driving. If you have a wireless network, you are
susceptible to "war driving" - people who drive around with a laptop
in their car seeing what wireless networks are available and how to
invade them. If you insist on a wireless network (a bad idea), you
should hire a knowledgeable consultant to secure it. The most basic
step is always to change all the default settings immediately.
Wireless networks are by nature quite insecure (in addition to being
very slow for anything but checking your email).
Targeted Attacks
What if somebody is just "after you"? This is akin to industrial
sabotage and is relatively rare for smaller firms, unless they are
involved in high-profile cases or cases that become highly emotional
such as divorces. However, by far the most common case of this sort
comes from disgruntled employees who are planning to leave and want
to do some damage. This last category is much harder to protect
against without expressing a vote of no confidence in your staff
(which then has repercussions for morale).
What Can You Do?
There are two ways in which you can improve your security: adding
specific programs aimed at making your system more secure and
configuring your existing programs. You should have four types of
utility programs: anti-virus, a firewall, anti-spam and anti-spyware/adware
programs. Even more importantly, these must be kept up to date
virtually on a daily basis (fortunately, most of these programs can
be set to auto-update). If you do all this, your cost is likely to
run around $100-200 per PC. For a useful (if partial) source of
information, see
Adding Utilities
The four main anti-virus programs are made by Norton, McAfee,
Trend Micro and Panda. Norton and McAfee also sell packages that
include other features in addition to anti-virus, but these are
generally not as robust as standalone products.
If your firm has a network firewall, you may not need a separate
one. Some features are built into Internet routers, but you should
consider running a program such as ZoneAlarm, which blocks outgoing
as well as incoming items, thus preventing spammers from hi-jacking
your computer. The "firewall" included in Windows XP 2 does not do
There is a wide range of anti-spam software and email products
(such as Outlook or the email client included in TimeMatters) are
starting to include rudimentary anti-spam features. A good anti-spam
program includes three types of protection: "white lists" (let all
email from this address in); "black lists" (don't let any email from
this source in) and baysian filters that train your program what to
accept and reject based on content analysis and your response to
incoming mail over time. Mailwasher is a favorite for many people.
Anti-spyware/adware software prevents these programs from sending
marketing information about your preferences back to their makers
for re-sale, analysis, etc. In addition, they also include "popup
blockers" that can stop all those annoying messages. PestPatrol,
SpyCop and Ad-aware are three of the best (again, you would be well
advised to get the paid versions).
Configuring Your System
I have dealt with configuring your PC at greater length in
previous newsletters (see Newsletters nos. 22
and 24 on my website,
One simple thing to do is to stop using Internet Explorer and start
using Mozilla/Firefox or Opera. The consensus of computer
publications at this point is that these are both better browsers
than IE, and are definitely much more secure. In fact, for the first
time in years, IE has begun to lose market share to these browsers.
There may be some sites that insist on ActiveX controls that you
still need IE for, but you can greatly reduce your risk by
In addition, you should turn off the preview pane in Outlook to
prevent viruses from executing automatically (since a message is
"opened" as soon as it appears in the preview pane). In Outlook XP,
click on View | Preview Pane. In Outlook 2003 under "View" you must
turn off both the Auto Preview and the Reading Pane
Lastly, you should eventually install Service Pack 2 for Windows
XP (Microsoft does not plan to implement additional security for
previous versions). I say "eventually" because at present reports
indicate that about 10% of all PCs have problems with SP 2. In
addition, before installing SP 2 (get the CD: the download is huge),
you should check with the vendors of all your legal-specific or
other specialized software to make sure they are compatible or that
a patch exists that can make them compatible. When SP 2 first came
out, Microsoft released a list of about 60 software programs
(including some Microsoft programs) that were incompatible with SR2.
Over time, programs are fixing their compatibility, but you may well
have to spend a couple of hours tweaking your system in obscure ways
after installing SR2.